Social Responsibility

Being socially responsible means that we must behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. Striving for social responsibility helps us to have an impact on the society with a positive contribution to a more respectfull world and a health treatment for those who cannot afford.

Technoclone supports:


Integration through networks. The Connection supports the integration of young people with a migration background. The topic of integration is today more relevant than ever! A link for donations can be found on the website of the organization!


Africa Amini Alama is located in Momella, the north of Tanzania. The Africa Amini Alama Medical Center was opened in May 2010 and now consists of two hospitals: the conventional Health Center and the complementary Natural Healing Center.

Dr. Jur. Dr. Med. Christine Wallner and Mag. Dr. Cornelia Wallner Frisee deal per day with around 150 patients from the most diverse areas of Tanzania. Ever since, 20000 patients have been provided.

Each patient is first treated by conventional medicine and will then be transferred to the Healing Center.

As part of the National Social Security System, for every treatment we have to ask for one Euro from the patient, which then will be passed on to the Tanzanian tax office.All patients who cannot afford this fee receive from us an insurance card, which enables treatment free of charge. This insurance costs us 7 Euro and enables a family of six people to be insured for an entire year. We are fundraising for this purpose. [codeword insurance card] donate now


If you are interested to support or to collaborate one of these projects please use the contact details on the individual websites or contact Technoclone for any further informations.